
Piles of Magazines!

This might be one of my favorites.  We all have baskets or stacks or piles of magazines somewhere in our office or home and we walk by it and think, "One day...."  We bought the magazines for a couple of recipes or a really interesting article, etc. but not really for the entire magazine.  Here's an EASY solution to organize only the recipes/articles/ideas you want and to get rid of that PILE of magazines cluttering up your space!
1.  Take magazines out of basket.
2.  Buy a really cute binder (doesn't have to be cute but it helps : )  and some plastic top loading sleeves.
3.  Go through magazines QUICKLY.  Seriously.  Quickly is the big word here.  DON'T dawdle (yes, that's word) and start reading the articles.  Just QUICKLY tear out the ones you want to look at later and put them in the sleeves in the binder.
4.  THROW THE MAGAZINES AWAY.  You now have your articles, etc. in a really cute binder that you can take with you in the car, on the beach, soccer or ballet practice, etc. and your basket is clutter free!


Nailed It!

Four years ago I married a wonderful man who is a Tooling/Composites aerospace engineer.  At work, there are BIG, HUGE, GINORMOUS tools.  At home....they are smaller but there are many, many, many tools at our home.  I was out of town last weekend on a photo shoot and came home to the most wonderful thing.  "K" had organized his entire room off of the garage and did the most wonderful thing for me.  (It wasn't for me but I'm just going to say it was.)  He organized every single screw, nut, bolt, nail, washer, etc. in two sets of small drawers.  Now...that's all fine and good but THIS part is the part I just KNOW he did for me. : )  He went so far as to glue each particular screw, etc. on the front of the drawer!  Now we don't have to search and hunt for that one specific screw or bolt that we need!  You nailed it, "K!"


The Red Box!

As most of my friends know, I start shopping for Christmas WAY before Christmas.  (I already have a few gifts.)  But the problem was, where I should put them during the year so that I could REMEMBER where I put them!?  So, since I was focused on Christmas gifts at the time, I bought a big red Tupperware box and that's where the gifts would go during the year.  Of course then, I started buying birthday gifts, Easter gifts, gifts to have on hand for forgotten b'days, etc. and now they ALL go in "The Red Box."  It's been fun to open the box when I'm ready to start wrapping....I literally forget what some of the gifts are!  Great way to keep those unwrapped gifts organized.


Fall and Winter Organizing - Now!

Yep, NOW!  Now is a great time to organize Fall (Halloween, Thanksgiving) and Christmas "stuff."  And you KNOW a lot of it is just STUFF.  So....since our hearts and minds are on spring and sunshine and Easter, etc., now is a great time to organize the other so that you are not so emotionally a part of that season and when it rolls around again, you are ready!    Here are some tips for quick, seasonal organizing.

1.  Unless you have a walk-in attic, or an attic that's easy to stand up in, try to find a closet or a part of a closet in your home to keep the decorations.  It's easier and it's handy.
2.  Get three boxes and label them with marker.  PUT AWAY....GIVE AWAY....THROW AWAY
Start with one pile or one box to go through.  ONE.
3.  When we moved I found great, sturdy boxes at Home Depot for like 69 cents!  I just couldn't throw them away.  And, right now is a hard time to find those big orange tupperware storage containers and they can get pretty expensive.  So....I used orange duct tape for "fall" and voila!  (You can do this for any season)
4.  If this seems like a big task for you, DON'T do it all at once.  Take 15 minutes today, 15 minutes next Thursday, etc.

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