
Piles of Magazines!

This might be one of my favorites.  We all have baskets or stacks or piles of magazines somewhere in our office or home and we walk by it and think, "One day...."  We bought the magazines for a couple of recipes or a really interesting article, etc. but not really for the entire magazine.  Here's an EASY solution to organize only the recipes/articles/ideas you want and to get rid of that PILE of magazines cluttering up your space!

1.  Take magazines out of basket.
2.  Buy a really cute binder (doesn't have to be cute but it helps : ) and some plastic top loading sleeves.
3.  Go through magazines QUICKLY.  Seriously.  Quickly is the big word here.  DON'T dawdle (yes, that's word) and start reading the articles.  Just QUICKLY tear out the ones you want to look at later and put them in the sleeves in the binder.
4.  THROW THE MAGAZINES AWAY.  You now have your articles, etc. in a really cute binder that you can take with you in the car, on the beach, soccer or ballet practice, etc. and your basket is clutter free!

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